Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 61 - Ab Challenge

Alright, I have been blogging for awhile and I feel like I can trust you. We are about to take a leap in our blogging friendship. As I mentioned yesterday, I am going to do an ab challenge in the month of October that starts tomorrow.  I am aware that I am not at the point where I would see any significant visual changes to my stomach, but I feel like my core is really weak and I want to make it better.

I am curious to see if it would make any changes to my stomach, full disclosure, I am putting a picture of my stomach as it is today.  I wish I could say I'm embarrassed, but it what is. I am trying to get rid of it.  You would think I was pregnant, but no children just fat.

Also, in the spirit of full disclosure....I had a  small slice a cake. Yes, I did! Chocolate and it was soooooooo good, and I exhale lol.


Baked Chicken

Baked Pork Chops

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 60 - It's going to be a busy October

This weekend was filled with so much activity that I feel like I worked out everyday. The good news is I have finally manage to get all of water on the weekend, and my husband actually wanted a salad. Baby steps!

October is right around the corner and I want to kick everything into high gear to prepare for the holidays. I saw of my fitness colleagues post about a 30 day ab challenge and I think that is just the think I need. Starting October 1st, I will be doing an ab challenge. I will post the one I decide to do tomorrow. Feel free to join me.

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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 57 - Weigh In Day

Guess what day it is! Guess what day it is!
Down 2.2lbs!

                                  ...It's weigh in day!

Yep, it's weigh in day woot woot!

I lost 2lbs! I finally hit my weight loss goals! On top of the weight loss, my degree came in the mail today. I officially have a MBA! I wasn't feeling quite myself today,and I spent the majority of the day in bed. But once, I got my paper and I saw how much weight I loss I was feeling on top of the world.



Baked Pork Chop

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day 56 -- Lessons Learned

I have a quick question to ask you guys. What is your definition of fast food? Let me explain. My coworker. lets call her #1, wants everyone in our department to participate in a food challenge. For 21 days we have to give up sugar, bread, chips, and fast food. The key is to give up junk food. So I asked her the question what do you consider fast food. In my thought process, I am thinking Popeyes, McDonalds, Burger King etc. I would exclude places like Chipotle from the fast food list. My other coworkers would even go as far as to say it depends on what you order from McDonalds and Chipotle. Coworker 1 feels that if they cook it fast, it consider fast food. Which if flawed because spinach only takes seconds to cook. So I ask you, my weight loss and fitness buddies, what is your definition of fast food.

I digress, now to my lessons learned. After having such success with my water this week, it was clear to me what my lessons should be.

Lesson 1: Follow my lessons learned - I think in the first week of my lifesyle change I noticed acknowledge that water is the key to my success and yet I ignored it. What is the point of having a lesson if I don't learn.  I really should take my own advice more.

Lesson 2: Drink Water - I feel so much better when I get my water in. My skin is softer and clearer, and I can participate in my workouts more. The only downside is the number of times I go to the restroom. Will that ever get better?

Today is Weigh In day eve! I hope you come back to see how I did this week.

White Egg Scramble


Steamed Vegetables

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day 55 - Yep I did it again

Another day has come and gone and I got all of my water intake! My cousin Michelle said that it takes  21 days of doing things before it becomes a part of your every day routine, so consider this day two of getting my water in. I am hoping that I can maintain this through the weekend.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Day 54 -- Small Non Scale Victories!

Today has been an awesome day. First thing first, I woke up before my alarm went off feeling rested and ready for the day. My favorite breakfast spot was out of oatmeal, but I still managed a really good meal. For the first time in a very long time, I got all of my water intake. I have two water bottles that I keep at work. Today I tried something different and filled both of the bottles up and sipped on the bottles through out the day.

When I got to spin today I was fully hydrated and I didn't get sick. I was able to keep up with the class today and I pushed myself to try to keep up. I am so proud of myself. I can totally see the progression with my workouts.

Egg White Scramble

Banana/Strawberry/Kale Smoothie

Salad and Chicken Breast

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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Day 53 - Happy Sunday

How cool is a cucumber because that is how cool I am right now! I have been having a really good week and I feel really good about where I am physically. I feel my core is getting stronger and my wind is picking up. I think I might try hot yoga now...hmm! 

You know what I don't miss? Coming home with swollen feet every night. It was the worst. I could barely walk around because of pain from the swelling. It seems like dropping 10lbs was the cure because I haven't had a night of swollen feet in a very long time. I wonder what other ailments will disappear as I continue to lose the weight. We shall see and I will keep you posted.

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Day 50 - Weigh In Day

247.4! Down 8 ozs. Not much, but at least it is not a gain. I am just happy that I am losing every week, but I would like to lose at least 1.5lbs consistently. Can you see my reflection lol?

I know I need to eat better and trust me I am working on it. One thing I have noticed is I buy to much stuff when I go to the grocery store. Now that I am on a fresh fruit and vegetable kick I have to change my shopping habits too. In the past I could buy things and not have to eat them right away. But now, I need to eat the food right away and I have to say we end up wasting more food than we eat. The hubby and I were having this discussion earlier today and we decide to start shopping twice a week instead of once, just until we can get a better handle on things.

I have been looking at my meals for the past few weeks and I noticed that we eat to much red meat. This is because my hubby is truly a meat and potatoes guy. When we go out we the fam, we always end up at some type of steak house. So starting Sunday, we are skipping the red meat for a while. (Yes we, and he just found out when he read this post.) Wish us luck!

OMG, I just realized I didn't eat breakfast. Bad Lee bad!

Brown Rice
Onions/Bell Peppers

Chicken Caesar Salad

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day 49 - Lesson's Learned

Happy Weigh In Eve!

This week has been filled with highs and lows for me. The high was I could finally see the weight loss, and the low was I me getting sick and slightly harassed after working out. The best news is I have learned some valuable lessons from this week!

Lesson 1 - Stay hydrated! Thanks to all of you who provided advise after I got sick after spin. I now realized that I was super dehydrated because I have been slacking on my water intake. I don't know why it is so hard for me to drink my water. Do any of you have any tips on what I could do to improve?

Lesson 2 - Keep going and stay consistent.Thanks to my good buddy Emila for this one! I went back to the pool this weekend after a two week hiatus, and just let me say....NEVER AGAIN will I go that long without getting in the pool. I was so tired,  I forgot the technique that I learned from my lessons, and I had an 81-year old nun lapping me in the pool! I told this story to Emila and she shared with me her workout story, bottom line of both stories - don't stop you have to keep going.

Lesson 3 - Don't take it personal. Hey Ms. Sales lady, I know that you were just doing your job and thought you would sale me a product that would truly help me along my weight loss journey. I am not at all offended that you chose me because of my weight, nor am I offended that you didn't acknowledge my salsa skills. LOL

Tune in tomorrow see how this week has impacted my weight loss journey on Weigh in day.


Red Cabbage


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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Day 48 -- Gym-members beware!

I was set up! I feel betrayed! I was played to the left!

That is how I felt after I finished my Zumba class today. I was walking out of class when one of my classmates approached me about the class. She was new to the class and asked me about my experiences with the instructor. Then we started talking about the types of workouts we do, how often we work out, and what locations we frequent.

Then she hit me with the punchline. She was trying to sale me something urggggg! Oh well, and here I thought I was finally making a fitness connection because she thought I was the best dancer in Zumba lol. What can I do about!




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Monday, September 16, 2013

Day 47 -- Spin Monday

I think I over did it in Spin today. When I got home I actually felt very sick to my stomach. Is that normal? I had to lay down for a bit. I mean my head was spinning and it started to hurt. What did I do wrong? Maybe I am having a bad day because I have never felt this way after working out. Oh well, I guess I just have to shake it off for Zumba tomorrow.

On another note, look at how slim my face has gotten since this past July. On the left is a selfie from a wedding on July 6th, and the right was a selfie from Sunday night. You can really see it in my neck

Breakfast Sausage

Red Cabbage


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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Day 46 - Happy Birthday Mama or Ms. Lenora, never Grandma!

Today would have been my grandmother's 96th birthday. This day is always bittersweet for me because I miss her so much, but this also gives me the opportunity to reflect on her memory. I have mentioned that I have a family history of diabetes, but my grandmother never had diabetes. Let me tell you why.

After to watching her sisters, mother, and other family members suffer from lifestyle related illnesses and after being diagnosed as pre-diabetic, she made the choice to start watching what she ate.  She loved fresh vegetables, I remember tons of trips to our family's farm to pick peas, and to peach and apple farms. She did occasionally have a small serving of her peach cobbler, but she did it in moderation.  I don't remember her eating a lot of sweets, matter-of-fact I don't eat a lot of sweets. I guess that is where I get that from.

I guess you can say she is the real inspiration for my lifestyle change. She saw an opportunity to improve her quality of life and she did it, and I am following in her footsteps. I tell you i am really grateful to have her as my grandmother. I am so happy that she has instilled in me the desire to be better. That is value that I will past on to my children and grandchildren.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day 43 - Weigh In Day

I lost weight! I lost Weight! OMG! I was worrying for nothing. I am almost at 10lbs down, I might as well round up. It's a huge milestone. I am super hyped now! Let's get it! I want to lose 2lbs next week! I know I can do it. I am going to be really focus!

I'll get it together. I promise.

I want to stop focusing so much on the scale so I am going to set a non-scale goal. On that  note...someone help me, I burned the squash lol! I need some recipes people. Send me some low fat, good tasting, non-seafood recipes.I think I am tired of Spinach and squash. I am going to gather up new recipes and try a new one every week. My goal is to try new things. So make sure those recipes are good!

Check out my weight transition page. I am tracking the changes in my body while I am on the is lifestyle change.


Chicken Sandwich

Pork Chop

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 42 -- Week 6 Lessons Learned

I doubted myself today. I actually wanted to give up and delete the blog, stop working out, and stop eating healthy. It seem like things were a lot easier when I didn't care. But then I thought about why I am doing this, to escape a future of physical pain and early death. I know that sounds harsh, but that is truly what is in store for me based on my genetic makeup. Luckily, for me that doubt went away which leads me to my lessons learned for this week.

Lesson 1 - Know your purpose. Why are you doing this? What is the ultimate goal? Those questions are what you should focus on when you are completing a lifestyle change because that is the only way you are going to stay focus.

Lesson 2 - Find a balance. I have said this before, I am trying to stop 31 years of bad habits and it is not going to happen over night. Having a balance between good and bad (that favors the good) will help to prevent the urges to give up or eat Red Velvet Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory (That OMG was soooo good) on the same day that you eat something else high in fat.


Steamed Vegetables

Side Salad (I got my leafy vegetable in!)
Pork Chop

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 41 - Day 2 of #Greeneats

I managed to get in four servings of leafy greens today. I
not so much hoping that this will help me on the scale as much as I am hoping that it will help me create balance in my eating patterns. I will admit that I am a little scared that I have eaten myself into a weight gain this week. I just feel like I have picked up weight. Is that weird? Possibly. My challenge is to learn not to live by the scale!

This change is about losing the excess weight, to a point. It is also about me maintaining healthy habits long term. My life style change is about establishing long term habits for eating healthy. I don't want this to be like a diet where you eat good until you reach a target weight and then once the target is reached, you stopped eating properly. I want to establish a balance eating and exercise routine that I can keep for the rest of my life. I am working on what "balance" looks like and trust me it's a struggle.

Egg White Scramble
Mozzarella Cheese


Baked Chicken


Day 40 - Green Eats Day 1

I'm so sorry for the late post. I was hanging out with some girlfriends last night and by the time I got home last night I was too tired to do the post. I did stick to my green eats for the day. I even went the extra mile and at leafy greens with  all of my meals. I was very proud of my self. I felt cleansed and refreshed from all of the bad stuff I ate over the weekend. I wonder what I will fill like at the end of the week hmmm...

Kale Smoothie w/Strawberries and Bananas

Subway sandwich w/Spinach

Turkey Pattie w/ side salad

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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Day 39 -- The food snob strikes again

This weekend was full of pure gluttony. I swear my mind was not on any life style change and I think I am going to pay for this week. Please don't ask what I ate because trust me you don't want to know. But I will say this, I have come to conclusion that I can not eat at chain restaurants. I just give up! From now on, I am going to just stick to my fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats.

My husband blames my Chi-mom, Janis, for our becoming food snobs. She has taught us about nutrition and clean eating and it has an affect on how we view food now. I asked him why he was blaming Janis, and he said someone has to be the blame lol. Janis you can get him later for that.

To tell you the truth I ate so bad this weekend (here's a hint - kid's birthday party), I think I need to clean my system which leads me to my challenge for this week. Its called Green Eats! I am going to try to leafy greens with two out of three meals all week. Bring on the kale, spinach, and romaine lettuce! Feel free to join in as well. Post your pictures of your green eats using handle #greeneats!

Like my page on Facebook at, and if you enjoy what you read follow my blog and share it with your friends. I can always use the additional support!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 36 - Weigh In Day

I'm down another 1.3 lbs! Now I weigh 249.8 The weight is coming off slowly, but surely! I'm one lb away from losing my first 10 lbs. I hope that next week is the week.

Did you eat your green fruit or vegetable today? I did, but I forgot to take a picture. I promise! Scout's honor!. What do you recommend for Blue/Purple Day? I hate eggplant and grapes are so easy. I will sleep on it and let you know what I will eat tomorrow lol.

I think I am becoming a food snob. Since I have changed my eating habits and started to eat fresh food, I have notice that I don't like certain restaurant schools anymore. For example, the hubby and I decided to go to Friday's the other day, and I got some of my favorite food. The drinks were ok, but the food was horrible. At first, I thought it was just me or the restaurant was having a bad day, but then tonight I went to Chili's to meet up with a friend. That food was mediocre at best, and don't get me start on the food my husband ordered. I mean I know that most of the food is pre-cooked and sent to the restaurant, but it doesn't have to be that obvious. I think I starting to appreciate the fresh foods.

Breakfast Potatoes

Red Cabbage

Grill onions

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 35 - Yellow Day

I am an overachiever today. I doubled up on my yellow intake today by eating bananas and squash! Boo-yah lol!

I started tracking my workouts and food on My Fitness Pal, and so far so good. I wanted to see how many calories I am eating vs. what I am working off. I was concerned about that after the holiday. You know what I mean, some of you slipped a little this weekend too.  Do any of you use Fitness pal? What are some of your successes with the website?

I was actually proud of the food selections I made on Labor Day. Fruit anyone? Which leads me to my only lesson for the week, which i hope will stick as we go into the holiday season.

A holiday is not an excuse to eat - You can still enjoy treats as long as you don't over do it. Balance you meals with something healthy and listen to your body when it is time to stop eating.

Breakfast Sausage

  • Strawberry
  • Banana
  • Kale
  • Yogurt

Work out:
Kickbox Cardio

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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day 34 -- Orange Day

I am feeling the work out from yesterday. I am hurting in places I didn't I have know I have.  I still went to Zumba today and needless to say, I am going to sleep well tonight!

Are you guys ready for Yellow Day? I know I am.  Check out my orange vegetable for today.

Sausage Patties

Subway Steak Sandwich

Baked Pork Chops
Sweet Potatoes

Wheat Thins

Monday, September 2, 2013

Day 33 - Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day everyone! I hope you have enjoyed the last BBQ of the summer season and didn't over eat to much. My father-in-law threw a BBQ pot luck and it was my job to rally the troops for side dishes, which i delegated to the hubby. People brought spaghetti, greens, macaroni salad, cucumber salad, and this year instead of my infamous mac and cheese, I brought fruit. Why did I do that? Apparently, my cousins-in-laws had their mouths set for my mac and cheese and were not very happy that I decided to opt for the healthier option. I was band from eating anything but the fruit I brought lol! I was told that they were not on a diet and I shouldn't have deprived them of mac and cheese. I love those ladies!

How is the challenge going for every one?  The benefit of adding a serving of red fruits and vegetables can help to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, lower blood pressure,  and support join tissue in arthritis cases. Check out my picture of the delicious red fruit I ate today. I actually almost forgot to take a picture of my strawberries because they were so good. I will give most you a pass because of the holiday, but we definitely have to step it up for the rest of the week. Tomorrow is Orange day. Add a orange vegetable or fruit to your meals on and post a picture on Google plus, my blog, or my Facebook page!

Rice krispies



Work out:
Body Works plus Abs

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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day 32 -- First Day of September Challenges

Its finally here! Time for September Challenges!

When I first started my journey, some of my friends would always say "I need to eat better" or "I need to exercise more", but they never made any changes. They were not looking to do a full fledged diet or lifestyle change, they just want to do better but didn't know where to start. So I decided to do challenges that would give them the opportunity to do just that. The September challenges are weekly challenges that are designed to help them increase healthy habits without the stress of a diet.

The first challenge is called the Rainbow Challenge. I am charging you and my friends, to increase fruit and vegetable intake by eating every a different color fruit or vegetable every day. Admit it, how many of you don't get your daily serving of fruits and vegetables? And, I am sure that many of you don't realize the benefits of eating the rainbow provides.

The challenge goes like this:

Monday - Red
Tuesday - Orange
Wednesday - Yellow
Thursday - Green
Friday - Blue/Purple
Saturday - White

Guess what people, I am not just going to take your word that you have met the challenge. I would like for you to either post pictures to my blog, Google plus or to my Facebook page to show that you participating in the challenge using #septemberchallenges

Also, I would like to welcome my good friend Archia Lucas for starting her own journey today. I am hoping she will allow me to share some of her victories and challenges, so if you know her put a little pressure on her for me!

Like my page on Facebook at, and if you enjoy what you read follow my blog and share it with your friends. I can always use the additional support!