Thursday, October 31, 2013

Day 92 - Weigh In Day

Let's get down to the business for my gladiators that are waiting for Scandal. I have lost again! Down 1.1lbs from last week. I am going to keep it moving.



Turkey Chilli

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Day 91 - Lessons Learned

Yesterday marked the 90th day of my lifestyle change and I thought I would take some time to reflect on the past 90 days.

It has been 90 days since I have eaten McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, Bar-B-que, Popeyes, and my favorite Dominoes. I use to drink a 32oz sweet tea from McDonalds every day, and my husband and I would "treat" ourselves to Dairy Queen twice a week. Now I cook fresh vegetables and bake or grill everything I cook, and I might "treat" myself to sweets once a month. I still have a ways to go to have the best eating habits, but I think I have come a long way and I get bored easily. I will have a bright idea, go strong for a while, and stop doing that idea as suddenly as I started. As you know there were times when I wanted to stop or took a break, but the bottom line is I am still going strong and I really proud of the fact that I staying the course.

When I started the change I made the decision to hide my journey from my family in Houston. The plan was to show up at Christmas 25-30lbs lighter than I was when they saw me on Memorial Day. (Truth be told I wanted to rub it in my sister's face who proclaims that I am the biggest thing walking the earth even though we wore the same size in clothes). It was a very easy to hide my journey even with the blog. My siblings barely use Facebook, and my mother can barely send a text lol. I was moving along losing the weight, but something felt off. I couldn't share my victories or my defeats with my family. Here I am motivating others around the world to lose weight, and I wasn't helping my loved ones who are ALL over weight.

I finally decided to tell my family. I even have my sister thinking about joining gym. Then it hit me, the true meaning of my journey is to share my experiences with others and hopefully motivate them to live a healthier lifestyle. Next I am setting my sights on my cousin, who is now the biggest she has every been in her 41 years of living. I will let you know how successful I am at changing her heart.




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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 90 - I'm so bad today

Sooooo I know you are not suppose to laugh at people while they are working out, but I had to laugh today. I was in Zumba today, and you know that Zumba is basically a dance class. Our instructor tries to incorporate traditional exercises, but for the most part we are just dancing. I didn't notice her at first, because she was behind me. What made me pay attention was the instructor walking over to her to try to help her with the steps, something she rarely does because she just lets us do our thing. I have to say I have never seen anyone dance that bad. It was horrible. I am talking Kevin James in Hitch bad. I know I am so wrong for this but I can't help it. I found myself watching her for the rest of the class. She was keeping up with the steps, it was just her rhythm was way off.




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Monday, October 28, 2013

Day 89 - Check Me Out

Sorry about missing the post yesterday, but I had a verrry long, fun weekend. I was one of the judges for the Miss Teen Chicago pageant. It was time for me to wear my new smaller sized clothes. I had a ball this weekend. The girls were awesome and I made some great connections. Look at some of the pictures from this weekend's event.

I also have another non-scale victory. Jason is trying to learn to cook. Yes! The hubby is cooking for me. Now when I come home there is a meal on the table. Isn't that nice?

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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Day 85 - Weigh In Day

I lost again....down 2.4lbs down from two weeks ago. I am 2 lbs away from 20lbs down. I hope that next week's weigh in will be that day.


White Chicken Chilli

Cereal (It was so late)

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day 84 - Lessons Learned

It is so easy to be lazy isn't it? I could come home and lay in the bed, not work out hell not go to work lol. Could you imagine not caring about what you eat or how you look. Just overweight and happy right? But the truth is you will never be happy like that. You will always want to do better, be better, and be healthy. That is not the life you want. Right now I can't paint your toenails because of the weight, wear certain shoes or clothes, or do fun activities. This past week I spent time thinking about the possibilities for a better quality of life has led me to my only lesson learned.

DON'T GIVE UP - It is OK to stop and take a break, but you have to keep going. Last week was a make or break week for me. I could have stopped doing my blog all together, but I decided to get back on the horse. The journey is long and hard. I just got to stay the course.

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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 83 - Happy Tuesday

My coworker said I look smaller te he he he. I am really excited about that. I love it when other people start to notice the changes in your body. I have the privilege of being a judge for the Miss Teen Chicago pageant this weekend coming up, and l have spent the past couple of weeks looking for the best outfit and I am happy to say that I am officially a dress size smaller. I can't wait to wear my new outfit. I will post pictures so that you guys can see how fine I am lol.



Turkey Patty

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Monday, October 21, 2013

Day 82 - Back at it

I almost died today...not really, but it felt like it. Serves me right going two weeks without working out. Granted I was sick the first week, but there was really no excuse for the second. I really didn't feel like going to work out today. I had gotten into a lazy slump and I felt myself backsliding into my bad habits. So I forced myself to get up and go work out.

I will tell you that it felt good to be back working out. I felt like I released a lot of tension and Bose, the instructor, is always very motivating.




Red Beans and Rice


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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Day 81 - Get your mind right

I am so sorry, but I needed a break. I had to take a step back and remind myself why I did this everyday. The pressure of trying to do the right thing was getting to me and I lost focus on me. Unfortunately, that meant that I complete slacked on the ab challenge and I the lifestyle change. The good news is this was exactly the thing I needed and I am totally refocused on improving my quality of life.  Scouts honor this time!

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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Day 74 - Eye Opening

According to the U.S. Office of Minority Health, 4 out 5 African American women are overweight or obese. That is a very alarming statistic! Then I thought about it, most of my friends are overweight. Matter of fact, every woman in my family, other than my fifteen-year niece, is overweight. The only adult woman in my family that wasn't over weight was my Aunt Linda that passed in May. She was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer 4 years ago, and was given months to live. She worked hard to increase her life span by changing her lifestyle and maintaining her healthy eating habits. The doctor always told her, she managed because of how healthy she was physically. It provided additional motivation to get healthy and stay healthy. I don't want to be another statistic and don't want others to be either.

I think I am going to start focusing on changing that statistic. Will you guys help?
It is my mission to recruit 5 women to join me in getting healthy and staying healthy. Starting November 1st, you could take the steps to improving the quality of life. I know it is hard, I know you are scared, and I know it seems so much easier to stay overweight. Trust me I know exactly how you feel. Many people don't know what it means or how it feels to be overweight. They don't understand the pressure that it puts on your body and your mind. Now is the time for change. I spoke with my sister, and I am hopeful that I can get her to join in on the journey. Hit me up if you are willing to join in as well.

Like my page on Facebook at, and if you enjoy what you read follow my blog and share it with your friends. I can always use the additional support!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 71 - Weigh in Day

I am down again! Woot Woot. It was probably due to my poor appetite while i was sick. I hope that i can keep it up fot next week. Until then...

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Day 70 - I'm back and I feel much better

If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times. It really does suck to be sick. I have been dealing with coughing, sore throats, and congestion since Saturday. But thankful, I decided to listen to my mothers and took the day off to recover. I still have a cough and my ears feel like they are under water, but I feel like I am about 85% back to where I was physically. I also missed a day of the ab challenge. I really did try to keep up, but it was just not going to happen. Luckily for me yesterday was a rest day from the ab challenge as well as work. I also decided to take a break from working out. I didn't think it was a good idea to do cardio when you can't breathe.

I won't be surprise if I gain tomorrow. I was not eating or drinking, which probably added to my sickness. When I finally did eat or drink, it was whatever was easier for me to eat. Oh well, I will be back on the grind next week.

How is you week going so far?

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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day 67 - Trying to survive lol

Being sick sucks!!!  I was on the phone with my sister yesterday and as soon as my I hung up the phone my throat started to hurt. I couldn't sleep last night because it hurt so bad. I kept waking up in the middle of the night every time I swallowed.

Despite being sick this weekend, I still managed to get my ab challenge workout in, yea me! How is it going for the rest of you? Is it getting easier or harder?

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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 64 - Weigh In Day

Hey everyone. This is going to be a very short post because, as many as you know, tonight is the Season premiere of Scandal. So here goes...I lost again!!!! Down to 243.6 lbs from 245.2 lbs.

Yea me! Now back to my scandal preparations lol. See you guys on Sunday.


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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 63 - Loving life

No lessons today, but I did have a major break through while working out. People have told me that working out relieves stress and takes you to another plateau. Tonight I finally got what they meant. I may have mentioned Bose before. She is a instructor at LA Fitness with a huge following. Some people follow her from gym to gym so that they can take her classes. She is known for her intense, high impact workouts that will leave you soaking wet in your own sweat.

3 years ago she helped me lose 30 lbs, before I started school and went back to my bad habits. I went back to her class when I decided to do this life change, only to find out that she was taking the month of September off. Well she is back now and it was her birthday. Needless to see she was in rare form lol. I was proud of myself because I managed to keep. At one point, between the super Jacks, suicides, and burpees, I felt my self let go. It was a very revealing moment and I forgot about the pain...for the moment lol! I can't wait for next week.

How did Day two of the ab challenge go?

20 Sit ups
8 Crunchs
8 leg lifts
2s planks

Egg White Scramble

Green Peppers

Baked Chicken

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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day 62 - Ab Challenge Day 1

How did everyone do today with the Ab Challenge? I just realized that it has been a very long time since I have done a traditional sit up. I'm talking years. I waited to the end of the day to do the challenge (always the procrastinator), and by then I was super tired. Day 1 was harder than I thought it would be. But don't worry, I am ready and pumped for Day 2 tomorrow.

I love it when I noticed changes in my body. Check out the transition in my body over the past two months. You can really see a reduction in the bust area. I hope that after the ab-challenge you can see a change in my waist too!


Chicken roll

Turkey Patty

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