Sunday, January 5, 2014

Whats the damage?

Hello and Happy New Year!!! I know it has been a long time since you heard from me and a lot has happened in that time. I dropped my laptop and it has and it is finally working. Look at that damage!

I fed into the holiday feeding frenzy and completely fell off the wagon. I gained a significant amount of weight between Thanksgiving and now. I am now back up to 248lbs. Yikes!!!  There is no excuse for and I can't even begin to explain why I did it. So I have decided to mend my wounds, fix my wagon, and keep going down my path a better healthier lifestyle. 

First things first, there are some things that I definitely need to address some things for 2014. No it's not a New Year's resolution, but this is a way for me to do better for the rest of my life and not just in January and February. I have the tendency to get excited about a particular initiative and I go hard at it for a while, but then I get bored and just stop. Plus, I have a lazy side to me. This is a huge problem for me, not just with losing weight or getting healthy, but with trying to focus and decide my life goals. How do I fix that?

By staying consistent! Consistency is the word for 2014! And  that is where you guys come in. Will you guys help and continue to support me? Please feel free to call me out on my stuff, trust me I am going to need it. 

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